Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's All About Terrorism

It's very obvious that when people is ask if what is the main problem that the world is facing up to, almost 99% of the population in different races answers that it could be the world peace. People in the world is very hard to commit peace in every ways. One reason on why we cannot gain world peace is because of desperation to gain much power, to gain superiority and to be above others in order to be popular and recognizable all over the world.

One way of becoming powerful and very superior is by engaging in to or practicing TERRORISM. Terrorism is the main cause of war and misundersatnding in different parts of the world. Terrorism can kill many innocent lives and it can destroy the economy of one government. it can also destruct many architectural sites and buildings that can kill almost many innocent people.

There is such no particular reason why terrorism is been done. Some reasons of terrorism is terrorism refers to the use of violence for the purpose of achieving a political, religious, or ideological goal. But most reasons told is by political violence, violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assasination.

Countries that are very prone to terrorism are:

Whatever the reason why terrorism is very widespread here in the whole world, what we wish is to have world peace and to stop it. Terrorism must be stopped to be able to saved many innocent lives of poor people, to be progressive in economy, to have a peaceful relationships of different races and lastly, to saved our mother nature, the earth.

Let's all wish to have world peace........................................

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